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Hidden Toll of Prescription Drug Abuse on Mental Health

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Written by Zach Miller, Medically Reviewed by Jocelyn Riden October 3, 2024

In today’s world people from different social groups face the alarming problem of prescription drug abuse. A lot of individuals depend on their prescribed drugs to maintain their wellness; however, misusing them can result in severe problems for mental health. This blog examines the hidden negative effects of prescription drug abuse on mental health.

The Prevalence of Prescription Drug Abuse

Data shows that misuse of prescription drugs represents a major health crisis. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that almost 18 million individuals abused prescription drugs last year. The most misused medications are painkillers, sedatives, and stimulants commonly prescribed for ADHD.

A major element contributing to the increase in prescription drug abuse is the vigorous promotion of pharmaceuticals. Medication producers usually market their drugs as reliable and safe causing a spike in prescription rates. Sadly this promotion tends to overlook the perils associated with addiction and overuse. Many people may use these drugs according to instructions at first but grow dependent on them later and misuse them.

Many people turn to taking prescription medications when they cannot reach out for mental health assistance. This action can form a loop of reliance that worsens their mental health problems instead of reducing them.

How Prescription Drug Abuse Impacts Mental Health

Mental health can suffer from the immediate and enduring effects of taking prescription drugs incorrectly. As they abuse these substances users might encounter fluctuating moods and feelings of anxiety and frustration. Initially bringing a sense of pleasure opioids often lead to rising anxiety and irritation as they wear off.

Drug Abuse Impacts Mental Health

With the rise of dependence the addiction pattern often ensnares users and worsens their mental health problems. Repeated misuse can cause multiple mental health disorders including depression and anxiety. Over time as use continues the brain’s chemistry transforms and might deepen existing mental health problems or bring about new ones.

The Vicious Cycle of Addiction and Mental Health Disorders

Prescription drug misuse triggers a repeating pattern that involves addiction and mental health disorders. Abuse of prescription medication frequently leads to a circular pattern involving mental health disorders. Someone dealing with anxiety could abuse benzodiazepines to deal with their feelings. Although the drugs may ease discomfort temporarily they can trigger increased anxiety and depression as time goes on resulting in an unsafe reliance on medication.

Furthermore, prescription drug misuse can impact relationships, work efficiency, and personal well-being. Many tend to reduce their involvement in society and fail to meet obligations while facing serious emotional turmoil that intensifies their issues.

Common Mental Health Disorders Linked to Prescription Drug Abuse

Individuals who use medications to tackle stress or panic may find that their anxiety symptoms increase or worsen over time. Those who abuse prescription medications frequently look for comfort in them but ultimately realize their anxiety symptoms grow worse without them.

Depression refers to a frequent mental health problem tied to the abuse of prescription medications. Research indicates that people who misuse prescription opioids face a much greater chance of experiencing depression. When dependent behaviors arise they may produce overwhelming feelings of despair and hopelessness which prevent people from asking for help.

When prescription drugs are abused in greater severity people may encounter a higher chance of psychosis and paranoia. Chronic use of stimulants may bring on feelings resembling schizophrenia along with hallucinations and delusions. These effects can severely affect how a person operates in their daily routine and result in solitude while worsening mental health issues.

Overcoming Prescription Drug Abuse: Path to Recovery

Prescription drug abuse requires a comprehensive treatment plan. The most common interventions include detoxification, counseling, group and individual therapy, and supportive communities.

Detoxification and Withdrawal Management

The initial addiction treatment is usually detoxification. It involves the proper control of side effects that may arise when the user stops taking prescription drugs. Withdrawal symptoms vary with the substance in use and the duration of use, and it is for this reason that the process should be done under the watch of a professional.

Therapeutic Interventions

Counseling is one of the most important procedures in the treatment of prescription drug addiction. CBT is most helpful in the identification of the thoughts and behaviors that lead to substance use in an individual. The therapy sessions are a way through which people get an opportunity to divulge the root cause of their problems, find ways to solve them, and ways through which they can deal with stress.

Other forms of support can also be very helpful, including support groups. These groups provide a chance to belong and be understood by others, so people can tell their stories and hear the stories of others who have gone through the same thing.

Relapse Prevention Strategies

It is important to prevent relapse and practice relapse prevention measures as a way of ensuring one does not relapse to substance abuse. These may include going for a therapy session, changing the way one lives his/her life, and learning how to deal with stress. Taking care of one’s self and getting proper exercise, as well as having a solid support system can also greatly improve long-term recovery.

Overcoming Prescription Drug Abuse

The impact of prescription drug abuse on mental health is staggering and disastrous. If you or a close one is suffering from prescription drug addiction, do not let things get worse.

Call us at Orlando Treatment Solutions for professional care and help. With us, you will learn how to address these issues and get your life back on track to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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