For any other questions please call us or fill out the contact us form. We're here to help you at Orlando Treatment Solutions.
Contact Us Call Now (321) 415-3213Anxiety and depression are perhaps the most prevalent mental disorders in the US, with at least 40 million American adults having anxiety, while at least 17.3 million Americans have experienced at least one major depressive episode in their lifetime. Most may wonder which would be worse to have: anxiety vs depression. Both severely limit the quality of a person’s life.
Anxiety refers to a range of emotional disorders that are characterized by intense feelings of fear, dread, and uneasiness. These emotional disorders are usually accompanied by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and symptoms such as elevated blood pressure, sweating, trembling dizziness, or rapid heartbeat.
Most people associate anxiety with fear, due to how they feel. The difference between the two is that anxiety is considered a future-oriented, long-acting response broadly focused on a diffuse threat, while fear is an appropriate, present-oriented, and short-lived response to a identifiable and specific threat.
While anxiety is mostly associated with the emotion of fear, it does have a few different types, including:
Depression is a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness, a general loss of interest, and a preference to be anti-social. Depending on the severity, it may last for anywhere between a few days to several months. This disorder interferes with almost everything that has to do with daily life and causes physical symptoms such as pain, significant weight loss or gain, disruption of sleeping patterns, and a persistent lack of energy.
Depression is debilitating for people, as they feel the inability to concentrate, complete worthlessness, excessive guilt, or even recurring thoughts of death or suicide. Orlando Treatment Solutions offers depression treatment in Orlando, FL for those who are suffering from this condition. Get help today before it’s too late!
Depression and anxiety both have similarities and differences. The two conditions are similar in that they share a biological basis. The persistent states of anxiety or low mood experienced by people with depression involve changes in the functions of neurotransmitters like serotonin. Low serotonin levels are associated with both anxiety and depression, as well as dips in other brain chemicals like dopamine and epinephrine.
The differences, on the other hand, lie in the symptoms.
Symptoms of Depression include:
Symptoms of Anxiety include:
As both conditions are considered to be mental health disorders, the primary form of treatment would need to be that which is targeted at approaches that put a focus on psychological and behavioral concerns.
Different issues may require different solutions, but the important thing is that the solution is best suited for the concern, or it might not work at all. This is what we specialize in here at Orlando Treatment Solutions, as we make a point of knowing everything about the patient and then assessing the best approach for it. Talk to us now so we can help you too.
Orlando Treatment Solutions will iron out the details for you in a manner that will make you confident in your path to sobriety. That first simple call is your ticket to making Orlando Treatment Solutions your solution for addiction. Get the freedom from addiction that you deserve today.
Call us now on (321) 415-3213Orlando Treatment Solutions makes numerous media outlets available to encourage you in your recovery process. Digital media literature is approved by a licensed professional and intended to guide you in your recovery path.
Years of experience
Our leadership team has extensive experience in dual-diagnosis treatment and is ready to help those who are struggling with substance use and mental health.
Our staff consists of many licensed addiction and mental health treatment facilitators and other staff who are ready to share their experience and their success.
Happy patients
Orlando Treatment Solutions has helped over 2,000 people who have struggled with substance use (alcohol and drug addiction) and mental health find freedom.
Reaching out to Orlando Treatment Solutions may be the most important call of your recovery process. A caring professional is waiting for your call to be your guide to addiction-free living.