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Treatment for PTSD and Addiction in Orlando, Florida

Home/ Treatment for PTSD and Addiction in Orlando, Florida

When someone develops a drug addiction, there is usually a reason why they began using in the first place. Perhaps one of the most common reasons is past trauma, specifically post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Unfortunately, there continues to be a connection between PTSD and addiction (among other mental disorders).

When someone experiences a traumatic event, they may turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. While using drugs may seem like an easy way to numb the pain, it can end up making the situation much worse. PTSD and substance abuse continue to be a problem for millions of people every single year.

What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

PTSD is an anxiety disorder that develops after a person experiences a traumatic event. Many events can cause PTSD including war, car accidents, assault, sexual abuse, and other traumatic experiences. According to research done in the past few years, 8 out of 100 Americans will experience PTSD.

When it comes to PTSD and addiction, some may be compelled to turn to alcohol or drugs to cope. This can end up leading to a destructive cycle of drug abuse from wanting to cope. As with all mental health disorders, there are several telling signs of PTSD, which include:

  • Reliving the traumatic event
  • Experiencing nightmares or flashbacks
  • Trouble concentrating or sleeping
  • Numbness
  • Isolation from people, activities, and places

PTSD is especially rampant among military veterans. Veterans are some of the highest risk groups for PTSD and addiction. Many veterans who seek drug addiction, do so because of their PTSD.

This is due to the emotional distress and physical demands of military combat. Unfortunately, many veterans feel the need to turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with their traumatic experiences during military service. If you or a loved one is suffering from PTSD or addiction, our team is here for you.

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Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction can happen to anyone and can end up causing serious negative effects on a person’s body, mind, and family. Those who suffer from PTSD may use drugs to cope, which in turn can lead to addiction in some cases. It’s important to know the signs of drug abuse so you can get help for yourself or your loved ones. Signs of drug abuse include:

  • Becoming defensive when asked about drug use
  • Changes in behavior and friend groups
  • Physical symptoms and changes (bloodshot eyes, sick looking, and skin tone changes)
  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Financial or legal problems
  • Decreased performance at school or work

Over time, these symptoms can begin to get worse. That’s why treatment centers like Orlando Treatment Solutions are here to help. With a passionate staff of experienced professionals, you are in good hands.

PTSD and Addiction as Co-occurring Disorders

Unfortunately, it is common for those who have a mental disorder like PTSD, to rely on drugs/alcohol to cope. What can end up happening is a person develops an addiction on top of their mental illness, this is referred to as co-occurring disorders. Co-occurring disorders can be extremely problematic because both conditions begin to feed off each other.

A person may turn to drugs and alcohol to cope, so much so that they become dependent on their addiction. This can cause them to experience the physical and social effects of addiction, along with the symptoms of PTSD. Those suffering from co-occurring disorders must get professional help. Treatment for PTSD and substance abuse involves comprehensive treatment from a trusted rehab center like Orlando Treatment Solutions.

PTSD and Substance Abuse Treatment

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At Orlando Treatment Solutions we provide support for both drug addiction and mental health disorders. It is important to have the best quality of care when dealing with two co-occurring disorders (such as PTSD and addiction). Typically, the best course of action is to treat both disorders separately but at the same time.

Inpatient treatment programs are usually recommended for co-occurring disorders but other options can be used. Typically, treatment involves a mix of daily/weekly therapy and other methods. Some common treatment options for PTSD and substance abuse include:

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Partial hospitalization programs are similar to outpatient treatment programs and typically involve several hours of care a week. During PHP’s, all treatment is done at a recovery center before returning home for the night. During these sessions, a person has access to professional therapists along with accountability partners to ensure recovery. PHP can offer a good basis for recovery for both PTSD and addiction.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

An IOP is similar to partial hospitalization programs, except without some of the structural restrictions. IOP is best for those who have mild to moderate symptoms of addiction, which is why more comprehensive treatment is recommended. IOPs can be used for moderate addiction however during the treatment process. IOPs also provide a similar structure in that a person can return home after they have completed their sessions.

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment includes all the programs above and does not take place in a facility. Outpatient treatment involves weekly visits to a rehab center. During this time a person can utilize individual therapy and group therapy in the process. Dual diagnosis cases use both of these treatment approaches to create a complete treatment. Outpatient treatment can also be used as a stepping stone back into life.

Start the Journey Towards a Better Life

PTSD and addiction are both serious situations that require professional help. Orlando Treatment Solutions provides a safe and open environment to treat both conditions. Dual diagnosis is a multi-layered process that requires quality treatment. If you or a loved one is dealing with drug addiction and PTSD, it may be time to get help. Give us a call today so we can help you get to a better place, free of addiction. Our treatment center in Orlando, Florida can assist you as you pursue a healthier life.

PTSD and Addiction Treatment in Orlando

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Orlando Treatment Solutions will iron out the details for you in a manner that will make you confident in your path to sobriety. That first simple call is your ticket to making Orlando Treatment Solutions your solution for addiction. Get the freedom from addiction that you deserve today.

Call us now on (321) 415-3213

Years of experience

Our leadership team has extensive experience in dual-diagnosis treatment and is ready to help those who are struggling with substance use and mental health.



Our staff consists of many licensed addiction and mental health treatment facilitators and other staff who are ready to share their experience and their success.


Happy patients

Orlando Treatment Solutions has helped over 2,000 people who have struggled with substance use (alcohol and drug addiction) and mental health find freedom.

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Reaching out to Orlando Treatment Solutions may be the most important call of your recovery process. A caring professional is waiting for your call to be your guide to addiction-free living.

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